Logo IMN - Institute of Materials Jean Rouxel

The introduction of nano-particles in collaboration with the IMN, Institute of Materials in Nantes

Innovation and partnership are an integral part of the activities of Lemer Pax. Lemer Pax has filed 66 patents over the last four years and remains true to its corporate image, the world’s leading company in radiation protection, firmly focusing on innovation. Very recently, the R&D department prototyped a transparent radiation protection material, based on the highly innovative hairy nano-particle technology, that can be extruded, cast, machined and thermoformed.

This application could for example protect air flight passengers from cosmic radiation. This continuous drive for innovation is a core component of the Lemer Pax industrial strategy, using industrial property as an important development tool for export. Lemer Pax patented this product in collaboration with the CNRS. The key to optimising innovation is to file patents and patents are the foundation for export activities.