The solution: acquisition of two preparation hot cells and a new autonomous fractionation and injection unit

To replace its hot cells and meet the GPP requirements, the Nuclear Medicine department of the Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco chose the following Lemer Pax & Medisystem equipment:

  • an Easypharma Compact® low-energy preparation hot cell with 2 glove ports,
  • for the 68Ga activity, a Medi 9000 Research high-energy preparation hot cell with 2 glove ports in which a labelling module was installed.

The class A Easypharma Compact® is dedicated to the preparation and dispensing of technetium-based radiopharmaceutical substances. The spacious work surface of the hot cell includes a heating unit, a stirrer and two bin compartments under the bench. This hot cell also offers the possibility of working sitting down.

With its laminar flow, the class A Medi 9000 2R Research complies with the GPP requirements to perform a sterilising filtration step. The hot cell can contain 2 gallium generators, positioned under the bench to reduce operator exposure. In addition to the mandatory pass-through, a side door provides quick access to the module without opening the front door, thereby minimising operator exposure. After installing the module, the work surface is still large enough to perform the dispensing operations.

To allow maximum flexibility regarding the allocation of their 2 PET cameras with the various tracers available and the supplier delivery constraints, the Nuclear Medicine department of the Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco purchased a second Posijet® remote dose preparation and injection system.

Jean-Yves Michel - Princess Grace Monaco Client Case - Lemer Pax

The use of two Posijet® automatic preparation and injection units in the department provides greater freedom in the allocation of the PET equipment without increasing operator exposure when preparing doses or manually injecting fluorinated radiopharmaceuticals.

Jean-Yves MICHEL
Health Executive - Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy departments

Installation: ergonomics and close collaboration

The department welcomed all the solutions chosen. The operators find the Easypharma Compact® preparation hot cell highly ergonomic for a 2 glove ports hot cell, even though their previous equipment included 4 glove ports. The radiopharmacists are extremely pleased with the Medi 9000 2R Research hot cell for the preparation of 68Ga-labelled radiopharmaceuticals.

In addition, the Easypharma Compact® and Medi 9000 2R Research hot cells could be installed side by side, as required by the department. Lastly, the hot cells are provided with front openings for easy cleaning of the walls and work surface.

François MOCQUOT - Princess Grace Monaco Client Case - Lemer Pax

Lemer Pax & Medisystem found a global solution to our various problems, allowing us to best adapt our choices and optimise the layout of our radiopharmacy (sink, bench, furniture units to store equipment, etc.). All the users are now satisfied with the layout of the radiopharmacy, which offers optimised solutions and fully complies with applicable laws.

François MOCQUOT

The hospital was already equipped with a Posijet® injector which met all the department’s expectations and gave full satisfaction to the paramedics who used it every day. In the new configuration considered, one of the two preparation-injection units can work in ¹⁸F-FDG while the other one injects a different fluorinated radiopharmaceutical. This alternative means that the department can increase the PET activity, while continuing to limit operator exposure.

As part of the vectorised internal radiotherapy project, the department is planning to inject the lutetium-based radiopharmaceuticals using the Posijet®. The department is cooperating closely with Lemer Pax to develop an algorithm ideal for this type of injection. One of the two Posijet® automatic preparation-injection units will therefore be dedicated to this new activity while the other will be reserved for diagnosis examinations.

Know more about Posijet® Posijet Customer Case Princess Grace of Monaco - Lemer Pax

The results

An increasing and diversified activity with stringent quality and safety requirements while guaranteeing the well-being and comfort of users.

  • Development of a 68Ga PET diagnostic activity
  • Radiation protection for employees
  • Easier handling of the increasing workload
  • More convenient for operators


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