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cecile arbouille media interview english
10 October 2023

3 questions for … Cécile Arbouille, Senior Executive Advisor, Nuclear Generation Division / EDF

We asked Cécile Arbouille, Delegate to the Nuclear Generation Division at EDF, 3 questions. In charge of Industrial Policy and Supplier Relations, she has a central role to play in the challenge of ensuring the secure, available and cost-effective operation of France’s fleet of nuclear power plants.
26 August 2023

Lemer Pax launches OSIRIS, its Lean management transformation with EliteOrga

In a context of major growth for the company, particularly in a field of activity requiring a large dose of rigour and organization, Lemer Pax decided in 2019 to start, with EliteOrga, a major organizational transformation project. These important developments,...
Radiation Protection Advisor (RPA)
27 April 2023

The Radiation Protection Advisor (RPA)

The immanente guarantee of radiation protection By anticipating the risks of exposure to ionizing radiation, the Radiation Protection Advisor (RPA) applies the safety rules defined by the Labour Code and the Public Health Code and implements the means to guarantee optimal radiation protection (ALARA principle). Here at Lemer Pax, the Radiation Protection Advisor intervenes in all areas related to radiation protection (medical, industry, etc.) and brings their expertise to the development of the innovative equipment of tomorrow.
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