Media Room
14 October 2016
Dedicated to protecting the environment
Lemer Pax’s ecological commitments are reflected in our approach to collaborative projects
8 October 2016
Pr. Robert Hatala
“Radiation exposure is a truly vital issue for all interventional electrophysiologists. Deployment of non-fluoroscopic mapping techniques in the last decade helped to achieve significant radiation reduction. Nevertheless, fluoroscopy remains the key non-virtual imaging tool in several areas: for cryoballon pulmonary...
3 October 2016
Lemer Pax gets a makeover
Lemer Pax’s new visual identity (developed in partnership with Parisian PR agency Evolve) and the light, spacious elegance of our new premises at La Chapelle (designed by architectural firm Topos) reflect the fundamental identity of our company: collaborative spirit, open...
5 September 2016
NEG, Japanese spring on the banks of the Loire
A commitment to the long term is something we share with our Japanese partners. Over the years we’ve developed an excellent relationship with the directors of (Nippon Electric Glass), a business partnership enriched by a sense of mutual trust.
9 May 2016
New nuclear medicine system: Lemer Pax Partners with Confluent Group
After being operational partners for several years, Confluent and Lemer Pax have decided to officialise their partnership. Lemer Pax is providing the hospital with the new generation Posijet® radiopharmaceutical injection system for 3 months. The test phase will demonstrate the...
20 March 2016
Innovation rewarded
Lemer Pax is the first recipient of the new innovation funding mechanism “Pays de la Loire Innovation Fund – Investments for the Future Programme”. We received a grant to develop a new innovative, ecological, radiation protection material. The Pays de la Loire...
10 February 2016
Moltek, Lemer Pax’s partner for the middle East and central Asia
Thanks to the excellent and long-standing relations between Pierre-Marie Lemer and Can Zafer Aksoy, Lemer Pax has signed a three-year distribution agreement with Moltek, an Istanbul company and leader in the fi eld of nuclear medicine. This agreement covers the distribution...
5 December 2015
4 questions to Didier Besnard, Executive Director of CEA Tech
In 2013, Pierre-Marie Lemer was happy to see CEA Tech move to Nantes. Since then, the two companies have routinely worked together. In late 2015, Lemer Pax and CEA Tech entered into a collaboration agreement based on a disruptive technology...
20 November 2015
Posijet®: always closer to your expectations, always easier, always reliable!
The new Posijet® of Lemer Pax is a real compendium of innovations for radiation protection and administration of radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear medicine. Following the release of the Easypet®, new automated preparation system of high energy radiopharmaceutical, installed in Versailles in...
23 June 2015
It’s Versailles!
Lemer Pax has just installed radiation protection equipment in the new nuclear medicine department of Versailles hospital. The equipment installed includes an Easypet, “giving this versatile and automatic fractionation unit a wonderful showcase in the Paris region” underlines Antoine Moret de...
16 June 2015
4 questions to Nicolas Dufourcq, General Manager of Bpifrance
Two years after its creation, Bpifrance is asserting its role as a public tool for financing and developing companies. In partnership with the French regions and private actors, industry, banks and investors, Bpifrance is a major player supporting France’s state...
7 April 2015
With CERN Medicis, Lemer Pax is part of a European partnership
CERN Medicis is a research institute that will be using a proton beam and an innovative mass separation process for radio isotopes for medical applications around the world. This project is devoted to nuclear medicine. In collaboration with CERN (European...
1 April 2015
Use of prototype radioprotection cabin in vascular neuroradiology: dosimetry and ergonomics
Joel Guersena,*, Kaouthar Karmouchea, Jean-Baptiste Moyona, Estelle Osmonda, Maxime Poulina, Jean Gabrillarguesa,b, Betty Jeana,b, Emmanuel Chaberta, Frédéric Dutheila, Lucie Cassagnesa,b, Louis Boyera,b a Pole d’imagerie et de radiologie interventionnelle, CHU de Clermont-Ferrand, 63003 Clermont-Ferrand, France b ISIT UMR 6284 CNRS,...
10 December 2014
Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest Paul Papin: Lemer Pax provides its skills
The project started in 2012 when Lemer Pax was selected to produce scanner rooms, the “hot” laboratory, decay tanks and radiotherapy chambers” recalls Florian Bérasaluce – Project Manager at Lemer Pax. Since then, radiation protection for nine operating rooms has been...
20 November 2014
3 questions to Jean-Lou Blachier, confederal vice-president of the CGPME
Jean-Lou Blachier is confederal vice-president of the CGPME (General Confederation of Small and Medium-Sized companies in France) and president of the “Union Territoriale des Petites et Moyennes Industries”. For the last two years, he has also acted as public procurement ombudsman....
21 October 2014
The first WNE trade show, a huge success for the whole nuclear sector and Lemer Pax
The World Nuclear Exhibition, first international nuclear trade show, was held from 13 to 16 October was a huge success for the whole nuclear sector. This first edition immediately stood out as the largest worldwide show on the subject. 500...