Media Room
1 March 2023
Combining the increase in PET imaging patient activity and radiation protection of staff: the example of Esbjerg hospital in Denmark
In March 2019, the Nuclear Medicine department at Esbjerg Hospital, in Esbjerg, Denmark, decided to acquire a new PET/CT scanner. With the arrival of this new equipment, the service’s activity doubled, going from around 10 patients per day to just over 20. And this was just the beginning!
Major restructuring work was, therefore, necessary and the department decided to tackle, at the same time, the quality of treatment for patients and the working conditions of the medical team. Among the solutions adopted: the acquisition of a new automatic preparation and injection system!
31 October 2022
Jean-Yves Michel
“The use of two Posijet® automatic preparation and injection units in the department provides greater freedom in the allocation of the PET equipment without increasing operator exposure when preparing doses or manually injecting fluorinated radiopharmaceuticals.” To learn more, find our...
29 September 2022
EANM 2022: find our Therapy and Diagnostic solutions from Lemer Pax and Medisystem in Barcelona
This year, Lemer Pax and Medisystem are exhibiting several innovative solutions to meet the needs of their customers, one of which will be the Posijet®, our high-energy radiopharmaceutical preparer-injector in its “Theranostic” configuration!
A quick look back at this new medical approach and the adaptation of Posijet® to new uses.
28 June 2022
Lemer Pax leader in radioactive waste management
The management of radioactive waste, coming from nuclear imaging services, is becoming a crucial issue.
17 September 2021
How to inject ictal SPECT? From manual to automated injection
XAVIER SETOAÍN, FRANCISCO CAMPOS, ANTONIO DONAIRE, MARÍA MAYORAL, ANDRÉS PERISSINOTTI, AIDA NIÑEROLA-BAIZAN, NURIA BARGALLÓ, JORDI RUMIÀ, LUIS PINTOR, TERESA BOGET, MAR CARREÑO. Epilepsy Research. September 2021 Successful surgery depends on the accurate localization of epileptogenic zone before surgery. Ictal SPECT...
3 August 2021
Restructuring and reorganising a nuclear medicine department: the example of the Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco
During the year 2019-2020, the Nuclear Medicine department of the Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco had to undertake extensive restructuring work. The main objectives were to install a new PET camera and develop a 68Ga PET diagnosis activity. To comply...
23 November 2020
Posijet® preparation and injection unit: versatility and performance
During the next fully virtual edition of French Days on Nuclear Medicine (JFMN congress), special attention will be paid to the role of PET in nuclear medicine. This will be the perfect opportunity to showcase the Posijet® high-energy radiopharmaceutical preparation...
20 October 2020
EANM 2020 – virtual edition: discover the innovating range of radiation protection solutions and the versatility of the fractionation and injection unit Posijet®
On the occasion of the next edition of the EANM congress and faced with the health crisis, Lemer Pax and Medisystem take advantage of the digital tool to present their range of radiation protection solutions innovatively and interactively. On the...
22 September 2020
Ensuring optimal conditions for radiation protection in a mobile medical imaging unit: the example of HUG in Switzerland
Around ten years ago already, the Geneva University Hospitals (Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genéve – HUG) trialled a mobile testing unit, which proved successful. When this mobile medical unit was introduced, the teams from the Geneva University Hospitals travelled for three...
5 August 2020
JFMN 2020: see the very new shielded syringe carrier and the range of mobile trolleys by Lemer Pax and Medisystem
At the next JFMN congress (7-9 September – Montrouge), come and discover the new ever more ergonomic and innovative radiation protection solutions by Lemer Pax and Medisystem. Among the new solutions this year, the two French leaders in radiation protection...
26 September 2019
EANM 2019 – Booth 94: discover the Lemer Pax and Medisystem Therapy and Diagnostic offer at Barcelona
Now a worldwide reference in its field, the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, (EANM) is organising its 32nd annual congress at Barcelona, Spain, to be held from 12 to 16 October 2019. Once again, Lemer Pax and Medisystem are participating...
12 September 2019
Combining radiation protection with increased productivity: the example of Cardiff’s PETIC Centre
Inaugurated in September 2010, the Wales Research and Diagnostic PET Imaging Centre (PETIC) uses one of the most advanced PET imaging systems currently in operation in the United Kingdom. The centre’s FDG PET scan workload has exploded, going from 675...
26 July 2019
3 questions for Karen Chamoulaud, RPO at the Centre Hospitalier Sud Francilien
The guardian angel of nuclear medicine services is playing an increasingly important role The use of ionising radiation has diversified, with the emergence of new procedures, and the function of RPO, radiation protection officer, is adapting to this change. With...
4 July 2019
MEDICIS-Promed: from fundamental research to hospitals
Created in 2015, the MEDICIS-Promed* (“MEDICIS-produced radioisotope beams for medicine”) project is an innovating training network. This truly European network is part of the European Union framework programme dedicated to research and innovation: 2020 horizon. Take a look back to...
28 May 2019
The 4 steps for shielding a radiology room
You are embarking on a project involving ionising radiation! Have you decided to create your own shielded radiology room (radiology or nuclear medicine centre, radioiodine treatment room) or do you plant to begin doing non-destructive testing? Here are the 4...
25 April 2019
Mission accomplished for Maddalena Maietta and Lemer Pax
On 13 December last year, Maddalena Maietta, a young Italian physicist, was the first of the 15 PhD students participating in the European MEDICIS-Promed* project (MEDICIS-produced radioisotope beams for medicine), to defend her thesis “Aspects of radiation protection associated with...