Lemer Pax and Idealex are teaming up to serve you better
Lemer Pax and Idealex have just signed a partnership agreement. This move is inspired by a shared drive to satisfy customers and complementary ranges of biological shielding solutions and products.
Lemer Pax and Idealex are joining forces to serve you better. A new product range has just been unveiled to provide the market with biological shielding solutions designed for the nuclear industry and research. Among the solutions available in Lemer Pax and Idealex’s joint catalogue is the innovative and more ecological technology of lead-free flexible radiation protection materials.
A win-win agreement
“This cooperation will raise the profile of the range of lead-free radiation protection materials, of the Novashield® type – a patented ecological composite designed for gamma ray and X-ray radiation protection systems – on the civilian nuclear market in France in particular.”
Pierre-Marie Lemer, President of Lemer Pax

Pierre-Marie Lemer, President of Lemer Pax, commends this win-win agreement signed with a company that shares a set of common values and the same vision – that of working closely with customers.
Over its 26 years in business, Idealex has gained prominence as a respected provider of operational radiation protection solutions. Specialising in the design, manufacture and supply of equipment for operator protection and safety in a hostile environment and dose reduction in nuclear settings, the company has made a priority of working closely with its customers – hence the opening of the sales branch in Pierrelatte alongside the Tricastin and Marcoule nuclear sites.
“A tremendous opportunity to extend our range of radiation protection solutions with a choice of appealing, innovative and lead-free materials for the job or mass production of all types of radiation protection parts.”
Henri Ripoll, Managing Director of Idealex
This close contact with the market has also won over Lemer Pax, for whom the customer relationship is one of the key factors in industrial validation.
“This is a crucial step for us as our activities are 100% tied in with the fuel cycle. From nuclear power plants to the ORANO sector, which more specifically concerns fuel preparation and enrichment, via nuclear R&D with the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission research centres (CEA), Idealex is constantly working right alongside the professionals of this sector. We are regarded as such, available and responsive local operators.”
Henri Ripoll
Shared values in common
Lemer Pax and Idealex are rolling out a joint business strategy grounded in their common, complementary values and aimed at providing relevant solutions to meet the market’s specific requirements. This new partnership formally cements the customer/supplier relationship that has been ongoing between the two companies for several years already. Initially forming around radiological protection solutions for glove boxes, for the Melox site, these joint working relations then continued at the Bugey power plant.
“It’s true that we know each other well and have complete confidence in working together.”
Henri Ripoll & Pierre-Marie Lemer
“The right product for every need”: this is the guiding principle behind Idealex’s business approach for meeting the requirements of those in the field.
“This presence is absolutely essential for us. It guarantees a sound understanding of the need expressed by our customers and helps us to find the right expertise among our subcontractors to be able to cater to sometimes very specific requirements. In that regard, at Idealex and Lemer Pax, our respective experiences are similar. In our workshops, we are also keeping the assembly, mounting and finishing stages going in addition to the design stage. We are well familiar with the French market thanks to this strategy, which is also enabling us to build on our strong foundations by opening a branch in Germany and Spain, where we are supported by a leader who is already operating on the nuclear market.”
Henri Ripoll
This new partnership officially puts Lemer Pax and Idealex’s joint commitment into practice by offering an enhanced range of easy-to-use biological shielding solutions in line with the field’s needs and the new environmental requirements. What’s more, the first to gain from this partnership is the customer, who will benefit both from the know-how and innovation of the radiation protection solutions designed by Lemer Pax and from Idealex’s local and responsive service and technical expertise.